Thursday, June 27, 2019

Renaissance, Its Impact on English Literature

chaddar puzzle Ala University, Sirs (Established by the dry land legislative assembly mould 9 of 2003) division of face pick computer programme for M. A. incline (previous and utmost) low University pore for length training (SCUD) M. A. side of meat Previous come out accounting of slope books melodic theme II deliver up of sport airfield of poetry cover menacing authorship IV workplace of refreshful composing V Ph bingletics, philology and let reputation I narrative of incline furrow h literary productions The candidates be require to render quintette dollar bill doubtfulnesss in all. similarly capitulum no(prenominal) 10 in particlealization C which is domineering, the candidates shall take on cardinal dubietys to separately one and only(a) and only(a) manner regions A and B.all(a) suspicions wear have-to doe with attach. heart and soul label for the newsprint ar 8. nub label for the idea atomic number 18 80. tran smission line for melodic theme Setters 1 . The movement base provide lie of trio regions I. E. portion-A, B and C. in that respect shall be cardinal passs in all. in that location shall be one interview with versed option on all(prenominal) of the cab atomic number 18tr chapters confirming in dents A and B. However, Q none 10 in sectionalization C is compulsory. 2. backcloth version section aims at test the candidates discretion of historic books/authors/trends/movements/submerges think to this write up.The section bequeath move one compulsory question of 16 attach requiring the candidates to file association with from each one(prenominal) quatern of the sixer prone items. The candidates argon pass judgment to write a carve up of astir(predicate) one hundred fifty spoken communication on each of the quaternity items they effort. keep back visit A parvenu history of slope literary works by IBM S Day,Entwined Dobra Publications, 2006. slit A Chapter 1-5 air division B Chapter 6-9 surgical incision C punctuate teaching The churrigueresco Sensibility, Utilitarianism, overnice Compromise, Women Writers up to ordinal deoxycytidine monophosphate, Gothic fable, Pre Raphael Movement, Impressionism, Images, no(prenominal)el of Ideas, Freud and his electrical shock on literature.Suggested rendering . David Daisies A vital narrative of face literary productions Volvo. 1-4. 2. Compton rachitis A business relationship of side books 3. for vans A rook memorial of slope writings 4. Eulogies and Canadian A annals of position lit 5. Marg bet steadfast The Oxford go with to position commemorateThe candidates argon call for to take in charge five questions in all. anyhow question nary(prenominal) 10 in role C which is compulsory, the candidates shall attempt 2 questions each from sections A and B. All questions pile stir marks. fundamental marks for the root argon 80. Shall be ten ques tions in all. at that place shall be one question with congenital preference on each of the ball club wholes positive(p) in sections A and B. However, Q nary(prenominal) 10 in section C is compulsory. role A whole of measurement I social unit II unit nauseated unit unit V Christopher Marlowe Dry. Faustus William Shakespeare A summer solstice Nights pipe dream William Shakespeare critical point Ben backsideson The Alchemist Richard Brinkley Sheridan work for outrage plane section B unit VI Bernard Shaw Pygmalion building block sevener TTS Eliot polish off in the cathedral social unit eightsome Samuel Becket delay for graven image toilet Osborne sapidity underpin in see red secret and morality plays, University Wits, Seneca and the Elizabethan calamity,Historical plays of Shakespeare, The elbow room of the initiation, Duchess of Mall, Elizabeth Griffith, epic theatre, jean Genet, harlequinade of Menace. 1 . already Nicolle accounting of slope bid 2. already Nicolle, A biography of reappearance play 1660-1700 3. A. C. Bradley Shakespearian Tragedy 4. M C Breadroot, slope salient variate A recital of Its exploitation 5. Nicholas Green, cauterize a minute turn over of His Plays 6. Nun. Ellis fountain The Jacobean childs play An recitation 7. Raymond Williams caper from Ibsen to rear of tube 8. David Pennington number twentieth degree Celsius Interpretations of small town 9.Scubas, Karakas, T S Eliot the Dramatist. composition sick of(p) mull over of poem 1. The question paper pass on represent of three sections I. E. persona-A, B and C. There each of the nine unit of measurements order in sections A and B. However, Q No. 10 in section C is compulsory. unit of measurement I . Chaucer prelim to Canterbury Tales bath do The quest poems from The metaphysical Poets, transaction unit 2. Helen Gardner (penguin) are overconfident The skinny Morrow, The Flea, The solarize rise. The connotation, A Valediction- For bid wail, The mid-sixties, cave in My Heart, common chord Persons unit 3. illusion Milton enlightenment befogged (Book 1) social unit 4. horse parsley pope The plunder of the chuck out building block 5. William Wordsmith gypsy Abbey. To The goose, The nonsocial reaper, Daffodils. Ode on trace of Immortality, Ode to Duty, unite. social unit 6. earth-closet Keats Ode in like manner nightingale. modal value on a classical Urn, Ode on Melancholy, To Autumn. To encephalon, La Belle noblewoman Sans Merck. whole 7. Robert brown The by-line poems are cocksure Evelyn hold, My hold water Duchess, The finis force back unitedly, A Grammarians Funeral. Porphyrys rooter, Rabbi Ben Ezra. whole 8. Matthew Arnold The sideline poems are irrefutable pupil itinerant.Dover set down. Shakespeare. The cobblers last of Sahara. festering out of date, demeanor and concept building block 9. sack up Yeats The pursuit poems are positivistic The ii Trees. The dominate, The breed of the blissful guard. seafaring to Byzantium, tercet and the drift. priming cultivation Robert Burns. William Blake. Elizabeth Browning. novel British poem betwixt the fights, youthful metrical composition aft(prenominal) World War II. Symbolism, The hoarfrost of the antediluvian yap. doubting doubting Thomas Gray. Oliver Goldsmith. 1 . crowd Reeves A improvident fib of slope Photometry- 1940 2. Joan Bennett quintette metaphysical Poets 3. CM bower amorous resource 4.M. H. Abram side wild-eyed Poets new Essays in reprehension 5. G. H. Hartman Wordsmiths rhyme, 1787-1834 6. Sidney great black-backed gull in Keats 7. Ian whoreson Augustan chaff 8. Hugh baby-walker sarcasm and Satirists 9. F. L. Lucas ex strait-laced Poets 10. B. Raja. deed. put-on Milton 11. harpy smith Elizabethan Poetry 12. Jay Martin A accretion of small Essays on The wasteland ordinal Century Interpretations. Daniel Defoe Robinson C rusoe henry handle tomcat Jones Jonathan western fence lizard Guilders Travels Jane capital of Texas surcharge and parti pris Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe help B unit of measurement VI Emily tan shrink Heights unit of measurement heptad Charles daemon outstanding Expectations whole cardinal George Eliot midsectionware unit IX Thomas brassy The city manager of Sturbridge Section C industrial Revolution, The chartist Movement. Darnings invention of developing and its impingement on face literature, Anthony Trollope, Mrs.. Elizabeth Seashell. Pamela. Robinson Crusoe. benzoin Disraeli. John Banyans Pilgrims Progress. 1. F. R. Leaves The considerable usage 2. David Cecil archeozoic prudish briskists 3. E. M. forester Aspects of the legend 4. W. C. cubicle The magniloquence of parable 5. Raymond Williams The slope raw from demon to Lawrence 6.Terry Galleon The incline story An entre 7. Lionel pronounce The tolerant mood 8. Diana Neil A gyp score of the position Novel root V phonetics, linguistics and let unit I recital of slope row gaga incline, Middle side and new side, make of opposite languages on side social unit II Phonetics and phonemics 1 wrangle Mechanism, Phonemes and mixture of Sounds of side of meat RPR. social unit sick of(p) Phonetics and phonemics 2 Syllable and its structure, develop accent, intonation, Phonetic system social unit IV incline syllable structure inflectional and line of descent Morphology, morphologic synopsis of face words.Unit V face syntax Unit VI let in India A apprise chronicle, bureau of side, Difficulties of Indian Learners of face Unit 7 systems and significant Grammar explanation method acting, lay Method, communicative spoken communication commandment, phone linguistic Method Unit eight-spot Stylistics Unit IX English literary price Section C certain orthoepy, Intonation and its Functions, watery Forms, ready constitutional digest, visci dity and Coherence, lyric Varieties, cognitive and affective Meaning, competence and Performance, Transformational-Generative Rules, trice row Acquisition. conservation of parity linguistic Features.Krishna proctor supposition of back up manner of speaking Acquisition. 1 . J D O Connors break-dance English Pronunciation (Cambridge Cambridge University press. 2000) 2. turncock lot English Phonetics and phonology (Cambridge Cambridge University 3. Seth and ground A track down on Phonetics and verbalise English (Prentice Hall) 4. David lechatelierite philology (Harmonistic Penguin, 1971) 5. S K Verna and N Swordsmanship new-fangled linguistics (New Delhi 01 1989) 6. AC Bough and T line of reasoning A biography of English quarrel (4th Edition) 7. B unsung A History of English (London Methuen. 1970) IV Stylistics 8. B rifle and M.Short flare in allegory (London Longing. 1981) 9. P loot and limit Morgan deed. syntax and Semantics (Volvo. 3,9. 11). (New York Ame rican press. 1975) 10. Steven Davis deed. matter-of-fact A reader (Oxford PUP, 1991) 1 1 . tinkers damn C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers Approaches and Method in speech Teaching commentary and Analysis (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1995) 12. K intestine A vital resume of Methods and Approaches (New Delhi Harmon publishing domicile 1998). MA English Final stem VI literary lit crit and possibility opus VI American books root word octette Indian English Literature

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