Monday, October 21, 2019

Cyrano De Bergiac Appearance essays

Cyrano De Bergiac Appearance essays In my personal essay i chose the umbrealla theme of Cyrano deBergerac as my topic. Which asks if we tend to take importance on how we look than on any other thing that is or should be more important. However in Cyrano deBergerac view he concerns about his nose as being a drawback into his appearance and concern more on his appearance than anything else. In my opinion i would have to say i agree with him. i think that people often tend to be more interested in appearance more than in other things such as personallity, intelligence, ect... It seems that Roxanne was interested in Christain by his looks, and then even more by the ghost-writting of Cyrano which Christain tkaes credit for. Also she was never in love in Cyrano and his writting even though he was all of what Roxanne wanted in a man except that he wasnt attractive. It seems the first thing that people look at when they meet someone is appearance. Thats what i do and most of the people i know do. I also think the media plays a major part in this now at this time. Turn on your TV and guess what youll find another pretty face. It appears that the media is expoliting all the people born with pretty faces or good looks. Its also saying if you dont look good your not going to be a star. I bet alot of ugly or not so good looking people have as much or even more talent than the people we see on tv yet nobody notices them. For example: TV shows like Baywatch or Friends have a cast of people who are good looking. Not only do you have this in show business but in the music industry too: belive it or not . If you watch MTV like I do youll know what im talking about. All you ever see are these teen singers that look hot like Brittney Spears or Christina Agulara, not only them but you get people like backstreet boys or nsync who drive the 12-15 year old girls crazy. And the ...

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