Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An Analysis of Joseph Nye’s Use of “Soft Power” and its Relationship wi

An Analysis of Joseph Nye’s Use of â€Å"Soft Power† and its Relationship with Morality in International Relations Recently, the United States has lost a great deal of power in the international arena because of its invasion of Iraq and torture of prisoners of war. The United States holds an incredible edge in military capabilities over any other nation and the US benefits from the largest economy in the world. In a world where there is one single superpower, why is that superpower unable to force-feed policy through coercion or payoff? Theoretically, the US ought to be able to rule the world with a double-edged sword of military muscle and economic supremacy. These tangible aspects of power should be all that US needs to be the prevailing global power, yet it obviously lacks some x-factor if its military and economic preponderance has remained and the US has lost power. Traditionally, State power has been viewed without concern for morality. In most accounts, morality did not play a role in power, or reacted counterproductively towards power. The main school of thought in International Relations on the concept of State power, realism, is founded on self-interest and follows the mantra â€Å"might makes right.† The Realists believe that a nation should only act in a manner which enhances or advances its own national interest at all costs despite morality and the interests of other nations. A nation cannot successfully navigate the muddy waters of International Relations by waging war and imposing trade sanctions upon all of those who oppose that nation. The second viewpoint on State power is based purely in morality. Idealism requires self sacrifice for the overall good of the global community. Physical power should perform as ... ...attackindex.htm McKillen, Elizabeth. â€Å"The Unending Delete Over Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations.† Diplomatic History. Nov. (2003): 711-716. Nye, Joseph S. Jr. Bound to Lead. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1990. ---. â€Å"The Changing Nature of World Power.† Political Science Quarterly. 105(2) (1990): 177-192. ---. The Paradox of American Power. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. ---. â€Å"Power and Interdependence in the Information Age.† Foreign Affairs. Sept.-Oct. (1998): 81-95. ---. â€Å"Redefining the National Interest.† Foreign Affairs. July-Aug. (1999): 22-30. ---. Soft Power. New York: Public Affairs, 2004. ---. â€Å"The velvet hegemon: How soft power can help defeat terrorism.† Foreign Policy. May-June (2003): 74-75. Rothgeb, John M. Jr. Defining Power: Influence and Force in the Contemporary International System. New York: St. Martin Press, 1993.

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