Monday, August 12, 2019

As She's Walking Away Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

As She's Walking Away - Essay Example The title of the song â€Å"As She’s Walking Away† reflects a song that is inspired by a woman who is walking away from a man in a particular setting that is yet to be determined, but will be determined by the song’s lyrics. From the title, one can gather that it was one of those circumstances where a man saw or was with an attractive woman and something happened that made her to walk away. In order to determine the meaning of the song, one needs to delve into the details of the song’s lyrics. The opening lyrics reveal that the man and woman in this song had never met before and that they were in a room where they could see each other face to face. However, the man seems not to have enough courage to walk over and talk to her. The man admits not to know her name and he blames it to his foolish pride. The meaning of the song is further revealed as one continues to listen to the song. Now that the man has not had guts to walk over and talk to this pretty wom an that he has admired, the woman is walking away as he claims to be falling in love with her. In the chorus of the song, the man admits to the fact that he has lost the battle of approaching this woman because his heart would not tell his mind to tell his mouth what to say to this woman. However, he encourages himself that he lives to fight another day. Subsequent lyrics provides a picture of where the setting is; it suggests it is a bar â€Å"†¦ask her to dance (Go on son).† The man recalls a wise man next to him saying to him about the woman who got away and how he missed his chance. The wise man then advises him not to let regret happen of the dream he has to chase. The further meaning of the song can be obtained as one continues listening to the song and internalizing the content of its lyrics. The song becomes more inspirational as it goes on; it acknowledges that one might fall down on his face but this should not dampen their spirits, but rather it should be the moment of rolling the dice and having some faith. In the second chorus, the song presents an impression that a man should not be falling in love while a woman is walking away because the heart would not tell the mind to tell the mouth what it should say. It calls against falling in love with a woman while she is walking away because a man might fall down on his face. It is for this reason that a man should roll the dice and have some faith about the circumstances. The song concludes by blending the first and the second choruses. It reiterates the need for a man not to fall in love as the woman walks away. It appreciates the fact that the heart would not tell a man’s mind to tell his mouth what it should. It inspires the man that while he may have lost this particular battle, he still lives to fight another day. For emphasis purposes, the song ends by saying that a man should not fall in love as the woman is walking away. The end gives the closing sentiments of the song by rei terating that regardless of the fact that she might walk away, a man should not fall in love because this may let regret take place and that a man might fall down on his face as a result. This song reflects on situations of human life where people get certain chances and fail to take advantage of them and in the process miss those very important opportunities. From the song it can be gathered that because of lack of courage on the part of the man, he was unable to walk over to the pretty woman and

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