Monday, September 9, 2019

Earth Science Geology - Land Forms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Earth Science Geology - Land Forms - Essay Example These mountains compose the very complicated group of mountain ranges in US due to the wide scope they have reached in all directions (â€Å"Transverse Ranges,† 2012). The Transverse Ranges, as it is popularly known, captures Los Angeles until in San Diego and holds three major forests in California. Unlike other mountain ranges, it extends an east-west pattern, which was caused by tectonic movements of Pacific and North American plates million years ago (Roberts, n.d.). Roberts (n.d.) further indicated that as long as the San Andreas Fault finally aligns from its crooked trend, tectonic movements will be continuously felt in some areas of the mountain ranges and transformations in some areas will occur. With changes in sea levels, Transverse Ranges are expected to regain their original formation - being a set of mountains in one island. Another land formation in Southern California is Cowles Mountain locally known as â€Å"S† mountain, which rises 448 from the ground and is known as the highest peak in San Diego (McNair, 2012). Cowles Mountain was formed due to tectonic movements near San Diego which caused the convergence of two plates. It is mostly composed of granite and sedimentary cover. Its edges in the eastern part prove that they are â€Å"remnants of a wave-cut terrace† (â€Å"Cowles Mountain,† n.d.). Since it is visited by many hikers, some accessibility improvements can be expected. Nevertheless, its features will be practically preserved. This rock formation found in the west part of Point Loma Peninsula near San Diego is composed of sandstone and siltstone (Hall, 2007). Cutting across its vicinity is the Rose Canyon fault zone, which has not yet caused any movements (Moore, 1972 as cited in Girty, n.d.). Girty (n.d.) further proved that this ancient rock formation was formed from tectonic movements that occurred million years ago. Since the nearby fault remains to have no signs of tectonic movements, then Point Loma formation is expected to retain its

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