Friday, September 13, 2019

Management and Leadership development Assignment

Management and Leadership development - Assignment Example As the workforce is the valuable asset of a company, it is vital for the managers to ensure co-ordination among the widely dispersed operations around the world. HR department has to ensure that the changes in the organisations are easily accepted by the employees working within the firms and help them in aligning their tasks with the ever changing and dynamic business environment (Jayawickrama, 2011; Walumbwa et al., 2008). According to Baron and Cayer (2011), leadership development is a process or activity which enhances the leadership quality that is possessed by an individual so that the person can lead a team or show an appropriate course of action to an organisation so that it can move in the right direction. Since, it has become a mandatory requirement in most of the organisations, the activities of the leadership development comprise of MBA programs that are offered at the business schools (Drew, 2011), action learning courses and retreats done by executives (Bolden, 2007; Whitehead, 2009). The leaders have to develop the competencies and skills in their personalities so that they can manage their followers and motivate them to get engaged in activities that will be beneficial for themselves and the community as a whole (Ardichvili & Manderscheid, 2008; Yulk, 2010). There is no precise explanation of the qualities that make a person qualified for the position of a good effective leader (Yammarino et al., 2008). However, it is believed that an effective leader is one who can share perceptions, communicate with others clearly, motivate the subordinates, be responsive to the needs of the group members, encourage team efforts, willing to take risks and possess the ability of setting vision and goals (Popper, 2005; Tahilramani, 2010). It is generally believed that the leaders like any other professional such as an entrepreneur, doctor, engineer, artist and etc. are born and they cannot be made (Dalakoura, 2010). There are some people

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