Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Children Should Receive The Mmr Vaccine - 1283 Words

Americans are on fire over a hot topic controversy regarding vaccinations – â€Å"to vaccinate, or not to vaccinate?† More specifically, people are vividly debating whether or not children should receive the MMR vaccine. The injection itself was created in order to prevent infection of measles, mumps, and rubella - all of which are viruses that cause serious illnesses, and even death. Several thousand people in the United States, commonly referred to as â€Å"anti-vaxxers,† are choosing to defer the vaccination of their children because they believe it causes more harm than good. Two main speculations sparking the MMR debate are the accusation that it causes autism and has side effects that are far more negative than the benefit of immunity. Despite these accusations, the MMR vaccine is, without a doubt, providing resistance to illnesses that can lead to death. Therefore, Americans should continue to vaccinate their children with the MMR. In spite of the evidence that the MMR vaccine provides protection against these illnesses, scientists and parents alike argue that it causes autism. Autism is a disorder with an early onset in life in which the development of the central nervous system is disrupted. The pathophysiology and etiology are not known at this time (Singh). According to an analysis published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences, â€Å"Researchers discovered that because many autistic children harbor elevated levels of measles antibodies, they should conduct aShow MoreRelatedThe Mmr Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism873 Words   |  4 PagesThey decide to take this risk because they are trying to avoid their children’s chance of getting autism. Studies have shown following the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine children become diagnosed with autism. Parents are risking bringing back diseases that before vaccinations killed and threatened the lives of many people. The MMR vaccine does not cause autis m, because the doctor who published the first study about this theory has since lost his medical license, many more studies have proven theRead MoreEssay on Vaccines: The Best Choice for Our Children?1165 Words   |  5 PagesThere has long been a debate about whether or not parents should take part in the recommended vaccination schedule for their children. Many parents worry about what they do not know about the vaccines. This can include concepts such as what is in the vaccine and how the vaccines themselves, or giving multiple vaccines within a short span of time, affects their children. How combination vaccines such as DTAP and MMRV affect their children’s immune systems or other body systems could be anotherRead MoreMmr Vaccine : Vaccine Debate909 Words   |  4 PagesMMR Vaccine Debate For years there has been public controversies over the advancements in science and all of the health risks that have been around, but now the use of the media has certainly boosted the amount of confusion throughout the public. Frightening stories regarding the progressions of science have been appearing online and in print. One particular example of this issue was the MMR vaccine debate. The MMR vaccine is an immunization vaccine which fights against rubella, measles, and mumpsRead MoreChildren Should Be Mandatory For Children999 Words   |  4 Pageslinking the MMR vaccine to autism. This article caused panic among parents, leaving a trail of unvaccinated children. This trail eventually lead to a nationwide outbreak of the measles virus. This is the worst outbreak the US has seen since 1994. Even though Wakefield’s publication has been discredited, there are still parents that choose not to protect their children because of his study. These children not being vaccinate d is hurting our nation by lowering our herd immunity. It should be mandatoryRead MoreThe, Pro, And The Pro Choice1378 Words   |  6 Pagesutilitarian approach that all children, without medical exemption, should be required by the government to get the MMR vaccine, because vaccinations play a crucial role in public health and saving lives. First to be explained are each side of the argument. The history of vaccinations in order to disprove that humans haven’t had vaccines until recently. Autism and a few disorders, along with thimerosal, will be discussed to explain the safety aspects and science behind the MMR vaccine. The role of the governmentRead More Controversy About Vaccinations Against Infectious Diseases Essays1085 Words   |  5 PagesVaccination Against Infectious Diseases Vaccines are one of the most controversial topics in modern medicine and will continue to attract more attention in the years ahead. Most new parents dutifully take their babies to their doctor to be vaccinated, at the prescribed times. However, over the last few decades, there have been several scares concerning vaccinations, and the possible side effects of them. Some parents have refused to have their child vaccinated becauseRead MoreThe Mmr Vaccine Did Cause Autism1415 Words   |  6 Pagesconcerns and all believed that it was not safe to vaccinate (Silverman, 2013). They were convinced that the MMR vaccine did cause autism. There were many families that were part of the church that had a history of autism in their family, and did not want to chance it. So instead of asking for a different schedule of vaccines and not bundling the MMR, the families and others opted out of the MMR vaccine entirely (Silverman, 2013). A visitor came to the church, after being in Indonesia, and, unknowingly,Read MoreThe Effectiveness Of The Hpv Vaccine1555 Words   |  7 Pagesimmunizations has been studies for years. Edward Jenner, the producer of the first vaccination, reduced the frequency of diseases through immunization (Mhaske 209). HPV and MMR vaccines elongate lives by immunizing them from harmful infections. Studies are being conducted to test the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine. The first HPV vaccine came out in June of 2006, but it was not released until 2007 (Vetter, Geller 1258) (Fonteneau 2). HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus; it is a sexually transmitted diseaseRead MoreMeasles Is A Contagious Disease860 Words   |  4 Pagesunvaccinated children this provided the perfect circumstances for an outbreak to take occur. â€Å"Measles is a highly contagious, serious disease caused by a virus,† (Measles, n.d). The United States had 668 record cases of measles in 27 states, in 2014. This is the highest number of cases documented since 2000 (Measles Cases and Outbreaks, 2015). Among the 110 individuals infected during the Disneyland outbreak, 45% were unvaccinated, 43% were unknown/undocumented, 6% has two doses of the vaccine, 5% onlyRead MoreThe Anti Vaccine Movement And The Vaccine1620 Words   |  7 Pages The Anti-Vaccine Movement Although the MMR link to autism is one of the most recent anti-vaccine incidences, the anti-vaccine movement didn’t begin with the suggestion that MMR caused autism. Previous vaccine scare incidences arose prior to the 1998 study on MMR that fueled more anti-vaccine sentiments. Offit (2011) claims that the modern American anti-vaccine movement began when a documentary titled DPT: Vaccine Roulette, aired on April 19, 1982. The documentary questioned the safety and effectiveness

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