Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Way of Life of Northeastern Woodland Native Indians during Pre Contact, Colonialism, and Post Contact Free Essay Example, 2250 words

It was interesting to learn that they built dams referred to as wires, using brush and stones removed from the river mouths, so as to get huge number of fish. Thus, the Algonquian-speaking groups did not just subsist on deer meat, bears, and wild fruits, but also obtained fish from the lakes and shellfish along the ocean shores. They also harvested various wild foods but within a seasonal cycle, for example, maple sap, nuts, rice, and yellow water-lily roots (Oswalt, 2009). Horticulture and cultivation of corn were practiced in order to balance hunting and trapping, and the crops are grown included several forms of beans, squash, while some regions had tobacco. During springs, they cleared the fields before planting and during summer they tend to look after the planted crops so that between late summer and early fall harvesting was done. This made the entire period during fall to be a collective hunting session as they left their villages and built temporary camps within the differe nt hunting territories. Notably, the Abenaki and the Micmac groups used dogs during hunting to catch deer and other game animals (Oswalt, 2009). It was not surprising to me that their religious view was based on animism point of view. We will write a custom essay sample on The Way of Life of Northeastern Woodland Native Indians during Pre Contact, Colonialism, and Post Contact or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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