Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Is John Steinbecks Theme Of The American Dream

John Steinbeck describes a world where the American Dream was a wonderful dream to live but very difficult to live because of the challenges. In the 1930s, the Great Depression was occurring and it was horrible. During this time it was very disturbing how many people were living because they could not afford anything. The American dream was honesty not very achievable during this time period. Many people John Steinbeck reveals the reality of the 1930s in his novel. Steinbeck’s purpose in writing Of Mice of Men was to criticize racism, disability, and woman respect. Racism was a vital theme played throughout the novel. The character that faced the most racism would be Crooks. Crooks is the only black man living on the farm. Everyone on the†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, Candy is very elderly and has lost a limb. He is not able to work as much as the others. Candy claimed, â€Å"When they can me here. I wisht somebody’d shoot me. But they won’t do nothing like that. I won’t have no place to go and I can not get no jobs†(p.68). This reveals that Candy can not do much and the farm will not let him go. He does simple jobs that does require much physical work. Other people and himself know that he is useless to the farm, but the boss will not let Candy go. Disability is ignored by the characters because it does seem to be one of their priorities to confront. There were not much women in the novel. John Steinbeck criticized woman respect in his novel because it was an enormous issue during the Great Depression. Women were not treated with ay respect because they were seem as property. During this time period women were not significant to society. Steinbeck does an exceptional job at showing how women were mistreated during the 1930s. For instance, Curley’s wife is not given a name in the novel. She is referred to as Curley’s wife throughout the book. Curley’s wife is always excluded from activities on the ranch. In Of Mice and Men George stated, â€Å"Don’t you even take a look that bitch. I don’t care what she says and what she does. I seen them poison before, but I never seen no place of jail bait worse than her† (p.32). George does not know Curley’s wife very well and said very harshShow MoreRelatedJohn Steinbeck: An American Writer During the Great Depression1315 Words   |  6 Pagest ime. Because of the difficult situations, American writers turned their focus to social problems and issues. They were motivated to arouse sympathy for the suffering of common people, especially those at the very bottom of the society. (Wang, 2012) John Steinbeck (1902-1968), born in Salinas, California, is one of the most significant and representative American writers in that era. He is the winner of the Noble Prize for Literature in 1962. 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