Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Object Oriented Language for

Question: Discuss about the Object Oriented Language for Programming. Answer: The required definitions are described in the following: Procedural Programming: The procedural programming refers to the subtype of the imperative programming as a programming paradigm. This is based on the idea of the procedure calls where the statements get structured into various processes. These processes are also known as functions or subroutines (Schuster et al., 2015). Object Oriented Programming: It is the programming language model that has been organized across objects. This is done on logic, instead of the data and actions. Here not only the data types of the data structure are defined, but also the functions that are applied to data structure. Java, Curl, Smalltalk and Delphi falls under the examples of object oriented programming. Object: This indicates the special instance of the class. It could be the combination of variable, data structure and functions (Dennis, Wixom Tegarden, 2015). For example the object with the name field set to Joseph could the instance of the class Employees. Class: The class is the extensible template of the program-code to create objects. This delivers the initial members variables and the implementation of the member function or methods. Attribute: It is the specification defining the property of any element, file or object. Regarding clarity they are considered to be the metadata (Smith, 2015). Method: The method is the procedure related with the message and any object (Zeigler, 2014). Constructor: It is the special method of any structure or class initializing the object of that type. The constructor is the instant method having same name as its class. It could be utilized for setting values of the objects members. This is either user-defined or default. Polymorphism: This indicates the ability of the programming language to process the objects differently. This depends in their class or data type. To be more particular, this is the ability for redefining the methods for the derived classes. Inheritance: Inheritance has been enabling the new objects to acquire the properties of the current objects. The class used as the basis for the inheritance id the base or super class (Liang, 2013). Class inheriting from any super class is the derived or subclass. Super class: Asuperclassis the class extended by any other class. For example a class named Gender is defined. public class Gender { } A new class can be created by extending this class: public class Male extends Gender { } The Gender class is the superclass of Male class. Subclass: In a relationship between two objects the subclass is referred to the class inheriting from the superclass. The subclasses are also known as the extended, child or derived classes. Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the binding of data with code manipulating it. This has been keeping the code and data secure from any external interference (Yang et al., 2015). The encapsulated code comprises of some characteristics. The first one is that everybody must know how to access that. It could be simply utilized regardless the details of implementation. There must not be any side effects originating from code and impacting the residual part of the application. The concept of encapsulation lies in the fact that it has been keeping the classes distinct. They have been restricting them to being tightly coupled with others (Smith, 2015). Array: In object oriented programming there have been series of objects where each of them has been of same type and size. These are the arrays. Every object in the array is the elements of array. For instance one can have the array of characters or integers defined as the data type. Unified Modeling Language: The UML and Unified Modeling Language is the developmental, general purpose modeling language in software engineering (Dennis, Wixom Tegarden, 2015). This is intended to deliver the standard method to view the system design. This is the tool to specify software systems. UML has been inclined naturally towards the object oriented programming (Liang, 2013). However it the as easy to model the procedural languages likes Fortran, C, Visual basic and so on. Instance variable: In the field of object-oriented programming having classes, the instance variable id the variable defined under a class or member variable. For this every instantiated object of classes possess a distinct copy or the instance. Thus the instance variable has been same as that of the class variable. Exception: Exception is the more basic concept than OOP. However OPP has been building upon them in a natural manner. The exception handing is the mechanism of controlling the errors (Zeigler, 2014). The exception has been handled through saving the present execution state in the predefined place along with switching the execution over a particular subroutine. This subroutine is also known as the exception handler. Throw an exception: As any error takes place in any method, the method generates object and surrenders that to the system of runtime. This object, also known as the exception objects, keeps the data about this error. This includes its state and type of the program as the error takes place (Zeigler, 2014). As the method throws an exception, the runtime system tries to find any way for handling that. Catch an exception: Any program catches the exception with the exception handler. This is done at the situation in the program where the programmer needs to handle any problem (Liang, 2013). The catching of any exception is indicated by the catch keyword. Static: The class members could be declared utilizing the static. This is a storage class modifier. The data members have been shared by every instances of the class. These are stored in a single place. Garbage Collection: The garbage collection is the technique that has been freeing the programmers from the hazard to explicitly manage the memory allocation for each object created by the (Tschannen et al., 2015). More effective techniques and algorithm that have been coupled with the rise in computational efficiency of the machines have turned the overhead insignificant. This has been for the most extreme cases. References: Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., Tegarden, D. (2015).Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented approach with UML. John Wiley Sons. Fritzson, P. (2014).Principles of object-oriented modeling and simulation with Modelica 3.3: a cyber-physical approach. John Wiley Sons. Liang, Y. D. (2013).Introduction to Java programming: brief version. Pearson. Schuster, F., Tendyck, T., Liebchen, C., Davi, L., Sadeghi, A. R., Holz, T. (2015, May). Counterfeit object-oriented programming: On the difficulty of preventing code reuse attacks in C++ applications. InSecurity and Privacy (SP), 2015 IEEE Symposium on(pp. 745-762). IEEE. Smith, B. (2015). Object-oriented programming. InAdvanced ActionScript 3(pp. 1-23). Apress. Tschannen, J., Furia, C. A., Nordio, M., Polikarpova, N. (2015). AutoProof: Auto-active functional verification of object-oriented programs.arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.03063. Yang, T. C., Hwang, G. J., Yang, S. J., Hwang, G. H. (2015). A two-tier test-based approach to improving students' computer-programming skills in a web-based learning environment.Journal of Educational Technology Society,18(1), 198. Zeigler, B. P. (2014).Object-oriented simulation with hierarchical, modular models: intelligent agents and endomorphic systems. Academic press.

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